
Newmarket and Weavers’ Square

The description in the linked text
'Newmarket and Weavers’ Square' by William O. Frazer - of a body of water drawn from a datum in one part of city and arriving on the walls of St Thomas Abbey is one embodiment of topography and city, of nature and culture all bound together.

These Liberties offer interesting territory for you all to look into, as you formulate thesis and address ecology. There are endless archaeological records and historic descriptions of the area such as that above which give one a deeper understanding of the life of cities. The Liberties is perhaps in some ways one defining condition of the city - being a place trading on the edge of its centre. It is described as a ‘Portal Suburb of Dublin’ in an essay called ‘The Western Suburb of Medieval Dublin – Its 1st Century’ by Cathal Duddy OFM – accessible here.

There are many other interesting aspects to the place, largely documented by urban historic geographers under Anngret Simms, thus documenting settlement and topography; archaeoogy etc.... also documents such as the conservation plan for St Lukes Without as written by Shaffrey Architects and published by Dublin City Council - St Lukes included an Almshouse for Widows. Also as discussed last week the Street Guides Published by Dublin Civic trust. Another is Kevin C Kearns for urban folklore of this place. Others listed at the end of the document linked at top are also interesting to follow up as they have charted the archaeology of the place very closely. All the above in context, for you, of study from basement to pavement to awning to sky.